P. Douglas Small has served as pastor, educator, conference speaker, and consultant in prayer ministries and city-reaching. He is an ordained bishop with the Church of God. He holds a BA degree in Christian Ministries, an M. A. degree in Biblical Studies, a second M. A. degree in Church Administration, and a Ph. D. degree in Biblical Studies. He is the father of five children and grandfather of twenty. Pastors across the nation have used his video and audio products, along with teaching kits and books, for enrichment and ministry. He is an award-winning author and a popular speaker at pastors and leadership conferences, churches, ministry conventions, family retreats, and gatherings for prayer and spiritual awakening. Increasingly, he is involved in national prayer networks and mobilization, with a Great Awakening in view.
Dr. P. Douglas Small is a local, regional, and national prayer network consultant and coach. He has coached individuals, congregations, and movements. He believes the great need in the nation is prayer mobilization, both healthy personal and corporate prayer – which is now rare.
He consults with pastors, city-prayer, and mobilization leaders. The goal is prayer networks across cities and counties, from which come prayed-for, cared-for cities where the gospel reaches the darkest, most resistant areas. “This,” he explained, “requires a strategic process, which is beyond the scope of a local congregation. We need a city construct of empowered lay leaders, intercessors, and collaborating congregations and pastors.” We require reformation in the structure of our relationships as believers and congregations in a city.
Doug also offers personal and pastoral prayer coaching as well as to movements. He graduated from the Church Consultant University, the GROW Institute, and the College of Executive Coaching and holds Level I and II certificates from LeaderLABS.
He has a wide range of ministry experience. He has served as a pastor, Bible College administrator, and faculty member. He has spent time working in the area of private Christian School administration and as a Biblical Counselor. He is trained in using several psychometric instruments – Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis; Myers-Briggs; the Personal Profile; the MMPI; the CPI. In addition, Doug has served as a trainer-facilitator for the citywide prayer summits conducted by International Renewal Ministries and as a trainer for citywide Lighthouse endeavors. His knowledge includes work with prayer initiatives in both congregations and cities. He remains active in prayer-based, city-renewal efforts in the nation in his current work with Prayer at the Heart, America’s Prayer Meeting Movement and the Korean Prayer Project.
Prayer Ministries
P. Douglas Small is working to establish city prayer leadership teams in his work under the umbrella of Project Pray, America’s Prayer Meeting Movement, and the Korea Prayer Project. He served as the co-chair of the National Prayer Networks sphere of the Love2020 Mission America effort.
He served his denomination, the Church of God, as International Coordinator for Prayer Ministries for fourteen years. He worked with PrayerBorne, a national intercessors fellowship, the Praying Church movement (now the Project Pray Learning Center), the Prayer Trainer’s Network, and the Prayer Leader’s Continuing Education effort.
Doug has worked in the prayer ministry arena for three decades. For a dozen years, he served as the Southeastern facilitator for the Pastor’s Prayer Summit movement. In this role, he met with pastors from various denominations in cities for extended seasons of prayer and worship. These prayer summits were often the flash point for radical change in the hearts and relationships of pastors. Emerging from the summits came pastoral servant teams that collaboratively served the cause of renewal in their city. Now, this effort is being reborn with a broader scope – to involve not only pastors but also ‘Nehemiah’s’ – lay leaders as peers seeking to impact their workplace with the light and love of Christ.
Ministerial Workshops
P. Douglas Small often speaks to pastors’ groups informally, at conferences, at ministers and spouse retreats, state conferences, campmeetings, and denominational conventions.
His experience as a pastor and a lifetime of ministry involvement has heightened his sensitivity for fellow ministers and spouses. He has a way of relating Scripture and experience to everyday life that is fresh and unique. He speaks to the heart in ways that elevate the perception and adds insight. His experience includes home missions work, the Christian School ministry, service as College Administration and faculty member, and tenure as a pastor. His present work in the prayer effort puts him in contact with ministers of almost every denomination regularly. Doug has also served as a consultant to the process of city renewal with a focus on prayer leadership and mobilization aimed at fostering a climate that would give America a “great awakening.”
Bible Conference
P. Douglas Small is a well-known conference and campmeeting speaker in his denomination, the Church of God, and many other Pentecostal-Evangelical circles. He has been the featured speaker at almost two hundred state-level, national or multi-national conferences. The warmth of a pastor’s heart and the direct passion of a prophet are mixed with the richness of a Bible College classroom. “Practical …relevant … life-changing… information-packed” are words used to describe the insights gained. Whether the subject is “the Tabernacle of Moses” or the “Visions of Zechariah” – the “Anointing” or “Perils of Sheep and Shepherds” – inspiration and information converge for positive life change. His passion, however, is prayer – a healthier prayer theology and practice for individuals, pastors, and congregations, prayer that is at its heart worship and at its edge mission.
Family Conference
P. Douglas Small does not speak at family conferences very often, but family has been a major theme since the beginning of his conference ministry. His first ‘official’ conference was a state-wide pastor’s and wives’ conference. For many years, he was the featured speaker at the annual Gatlinburg Couple’s Getaway, where he ministered to hundreds of couples. He and Barbara, his wife of 50-plus years, have five children, twenty grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Doug is the author of seminars combining practical experience and Biblical wisdom. He was a trainer for Psychological Publications and a managing associate with Carlson Learning Company, a leading producer of personality assessment tools. Combining the insights from a Biblical counselor and student of Scripture, his family seminars assisted couples and families in enriching their marriages and finding sure Biblical foundations. Now, his passion is on the restoration of the family altar.
Married and the father of five children, grandfather of twenty, great-grandfather of five.
Native of North Carolina, married to another native of North Carolina – Barbara Ruth (Bobbie).
Attended Lee College (now Lee University). Graduate of West Coast Christian College – B. A. in Christian Ministries.
Graduate of Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary – M. A. in Biblical Studies.
Graduate of California Graduate School of Theology – M. A. in Church Administration.
Post-graduate studies at Regent University.
Graduate of Trinity College and Seminary – Ph. D. in Biblical Studies.
Graduate of the Church Consultant University – CCU certification.
Graduate of the GROW Institute, and the College of Executive Coaching, as well as Levels I and II of LeaderLABS.
Ordained Bishop with the Church of God, Cleveland, TN.
Served in home missions, as a staff pastor, lead pastor, and educator.
State Youth and Christian Education Board, Church of God – Dakotas and California (seven years of service).
District Overseer, Churches of God, Monterey Peninsula (four years).
Faculty member and Administrator of West Coast Christian College; then as director of extension studies in San Francisco.
Faculty member of Florida Beacon Bible College and Seminary (Now Beacon College and Seminary); and East Coast Bible College.
State Board of Education – Church of God, California (four years).
Director of Ministerial Development – Church of God, California.
State Council of the Church of God, California (five years of service).
Chair on Evangelism – Church of God Institution of Higher Learning (two years of service).
Speaker at state or national conventions (Denominational Campmeetings and Prayer Conferences; National Day of Prayer leadership meeting; Governor’s Prayer Team national training conference; Revival Now Conference – the Cove; BGEA devotional gatherings; One Cry National Leadership Conference).
A frequent speaker at multi-denominational pastoral gatherings on prayer, the city church, and renewal; National Day of Prayer gatherings.
Chair, President, Prayer at the Heart – a national prayer and renewal effort.
Creator: The Project Pray Learning Center, Coaching Institute, and Project Pray University.
Co-Anchor. Project Pray Television Ministry weekly broadcast.
Past Member of the
American Association of Christian Counselors
American Association for Counseling and Development
Christian Association for Psychological Studies
The Association for Religious and Value Issues in Counseling
Past Managing Associate with Carlson Learning Company – psychometric, relational assessment instruments
Trainer for Psychological Publications – TJTA instrument
National Teaching Evangelist, Church of God denomination (six years)
Coordinator of Denominational Prayer Ministries
Regional Director for International Renewal Ministries – SE USA (ten years)
Member of the National Prayer Committee
Member, Denominational Prayer Leadership Network
Facilitator for the pastoral prayer summit movement international
Ministry in every region of the US and on five continents
A simple man with a passion for the unity and renewal of the Church, to the end that America sees a “great awakening”
Received the Book of the Year Award 2015 from Christian Small Publishers Association in the category of Bible Study/Theology for The Praying Church Handbook – Volume II – Personal and Family Prayer
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